Your privacy and personal data

We gladly inform you about the processing of your personal data.

We store your personal and medical data digitally, in order to provide you with good care. We process your personal data according to our privacy and data safety policy. You agree with this storage (processing) by having your care carried out by our practice.

This is how we process your personal data:

  • Your personal data is stored and used in order to provide you with good care.
  • Your personal data is only shared with other parties in order to provide good care. When it is legally necessary to ask your permission first, we will ask this particular permission beforehand.
  • Your personal data is processed in accordance with the treatment agreement as described in the ‘Medical Treatment Contracts Act’ (in Dutch: WGBO).
  • You may see parts of your personal data. If you are interested in this, please send us a written request.
  • You may request us by letter to adjust your personal data, when you think your personal data that we have stored is incorrect.
  • You may request us to erase your personal data. When we do so, we are (or may) not be able to provide you with good care. The Dutch ‘Medical Treatment Contracts Act’ demands a holding period of 15 years. In that case we store your data in an inactive archive, invisible and unusable for normal users.
  • You may withdraw your given permission regarding us processing your personal data. When you do so, we are (or may) not be able to provide you with good care any longer. In that case we store your data in an inactive archive (see above).
  • You may object to the way we process your personal data.
  • We will inform you when something goes wrong with your personal data.
  • We store your personal data only for as long as necessary to provide you with good care. We do this according to the legal holding period stated by the ‘Medical Treatment Contracts Act’.
  • Everything stated above also applies to personal data we receive from third parties.