
Please call us if you need more information

Information for English speaking visitors of this website


Nice having you here, visiting our website! 


Who are we?

We would like to introduce ourselves: we are a very well-educated team of dentists, oral hygienists, dental assistants, and receptionists. Some of us just have started their career in dental health, others are almost as old as Methuselah 😉

But no matter if one is young and filled with the newest knowledge and techniques, or already very experienced: together we are one of the best teams in, well in the world sounds a bit exaggerated but one of the best we are!

You will experience not only a lot of knowledge but also real teamwork: together we will give you the best dental care you can get. 

Costs for dental treatments

Dentistry is privatized in the Netherlands, this means that the patient is responsible for the payment of the costs of the treatment. 

Under Dutch basic health insurance, children up to the age of 18 yrs. are free of charge for almost all costs of dentistry. 

All other dental care, can only be insured when you have an additional insurance for dental treatments. This supplementary insurance can cover up to 75% of the costs. For the exact coverage, please check the policy terms of (or contact) your Insurance company.


Rates are determined by the Dutch healthcare authority (Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit NZa) and the Minister of Health. 

This means that prices are the same at all dental practices in the Netherlands.

There might be a difference in costs for the dentistry made in a dental laboratory. We are happy we work with one of the best and affordable dental laboratories there are. 



We work with a factoring company called Infomedics. As one of our patients you will receive an invoice from them. If possible (you have a Dutch insurance company and a supplement for dental treatments) Infomedics will send the bill to your insurance company first and an invoice to you for the amount that is not reimbursed. 

Only when you decide to not register (for instance when you visit us only once) you have to pay at the desk immediately after your treatment. 


You would like to have more information before you decide to register?

Please call us if you have questions (since we can’t translate our complete website… Sorry….) and you can’t read our Dutch texts. Almost everyone in our practice speaks English (and some of us speak German too).

Or send an e-mail by clicking here

We are looking forward meeting you!

Registration new patient

Do you want to registrate:

Click for the form on the button below.

Health questionnaire for children

Please fill in the form if your child visits our practice for the first time or if something has changed in its health.

Click for the form on the button below

Health questionnaire for adults

Please fill in the form if you visit our practice for the first time or if something has changed in your health.

Click for the form on the button below